November 23, 2013

{Creative Series} Weekly RoundUp

On Monday last week, 9 of us South African ladies started a wonderful and informative series on 'Starting your own Creative Business'.

Here is a round up of what we have posted on so far. 

Pop on over to these ladies blogs to learn more about the 'Hows' behind starting your own creative business. I've learned so much already <3

Caitlyn answered the question:
'What's the most important question to ask yourself before starting your own business?' on Caitlyn de Beer Life Coaching

Connect with Caitlyn on Twitter @caitlyndebeer and on Facebook.

Megan addressed the question: 
‘Should you combine many passions or just choose one?” on Megan Galloway Growth Coach.

Connect with Megan on Twitter @meganjgallowayand on Facebook.

Ilze wrote about:
'The importance of Professionalism – website & photo’s' on Ilze Louw Photography

Connect with Ilze on Twitter @ilzelouw and on Facebook.

I wrote about:
'Blogging – where to begin' on CityGirlSearching

Connect with Roxy on Twitter @roxypearce and on Facebook.

Kelly wrote on:
'How to use Social Media to promote your business' on Sunflowersandspears

Connect with Kelly on Twitter @Kellytromp and onFacebook.


To read more about what this series is about, and to see what is coming up next week, {CLICK HERE}. I hope your notebooks are bursting with ideas about how you can take your Creative Business to the next level, or even!